At dentalFX, we offer a comprehensive range of dental services provided by general dentists. Whether you are searching for your bi-annual checkup or are having cosmetic issues with your teeth that need to be repaired, you are in the right place. Our Edmonton dentists are trained and qualified to perform both general and cosmetic services to fit your needs. We are dedicated to improving the aesthetic appearance of your smile and your overall dental health.
Our general and cosmetic dental services include:
Dental Examinations for Preventative Care
We believe in preventative care and diagnosing issues before they become a major and costly problem. That is why we offer comprehensive dental examinations to ensure that you are well-educated and cared for. Our dentists and hygienists would like to promote dental health in your future. During your examination, you will have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have. If any problems are found at the end of the process, our dentists will use their experience and knowledge to recommend treatment options available to you.
Our services begin with a dental exam that consists of the following:
Call our Edmonton dentists today at 780.705.5322 and learn more about the services that we provide. Services provided by general dentists.
Composite bonding (sometimes referred to as bonding because an adhesive agent is used to actually bond the resin to the tooth structure) can work wonders for your smile.
Botox was once reserved for lessening the tell-tale signs of aging, such as annoying wrinkles and frown lines, but these days you can opt for Botox treatments for therapeutic reasons as well.
Dental crowns and bridges fit over injured, discolored, or cracked teeth, or fill the space resulting after dental extractions and protect the teeth from further injuries or damages.
Dentures are divided into two categories: complete dentures (designed to replace the teeth in an entire arch when all the teeth are missing.) and partial dentures
Tooth decay that has destroyed enough tooth structure to prevent restoration is the most frequent indication for extraction of teeth.
Restorations are close to their original strength and appearance, created with composite resins and other modern materials that imitate the natural feel and appearance of teeth.
Implants are designed to replace the root of a missing tooth and can be used to support crowns, bridges, or dentures.
Invisalign is an orthodontic device that uses transparent, incremental aligners to adjust teeth as an alternative to traditional wire braces.
Oral surgery is the specialty of dentalFX. This includes the diagnosis, surgical and related treatments needed - including for injuries and defects involving both the functional and aesthetic aspects of the hard and soft tissues of the head, mouth,
Periodontal or gum disease is an infection of the tissues that surround and support your teeth, including inflammation and infection of gums, ligaments, and bone.
Root canal therapy is an indispensable procedure in treatment of teeth that are severely decayed, infected, or broken; allowing the affected tooth to be saved from extraction and maintained for many more years.
In-office treatment can brighten your teeth by six to ten shades. Using a specia gel, this procedure is a quick way to achieve the smile you've always wanted
Plaque is a sticky substance that adheres to the tooth structure and is teeming with bacteria. Over time, plaque becomes calcified (hardens) and at this stage, it becomes what is called calculus.
Veneers are thin shells of porcelain or resin that measure less than 1.5mm in thickness and are typically used to cover teeth which are discoloured, worn, chipped, or misaligned.